Great Eastern Financial Advisers (GEFA) is proud to bring to you - GEFA Studios!
At GEFA Studios, you will discover financial planning concepts made simple through a series of short videos on various topics trending in the market.
Reach for a Great learning journey with us!
Watch these videos to find out more.
Live A Great Life, Leave A Greater Legacy
Legacy planning is a financial strategy on how you believe your next generation can live a successful and productive life. While this is a complex and emotional topic, it should not be excluded in your life plan. However, there are many myths that can lead you think otherwise.
Daniel Tan, our Executive Senior Manager, will identify and debunk three myths, so that you will not fall for them and better understand the real purpose of legacy planning.
GEFA #TrueCareer
True to yourself, True to work ethics, True to work-life balance.
At GEFA, we build people. Join a Career, the True Career of a Lifetime.
Get Real: Expect The Unexpected
Meet Vincent Oo, from a young athlete, who went through tough times during his heart surgeries. Hear from him how he handled these situations.
3 Essential Tips for Children's Education Planning
Saving for education is one of the most worthwhile things you can do for your child, but it poses a challenge if you do not know where to start. Let's hear from Reena as she shared more on children's education planning.
Save on your Home Loan Instalments
You home loan is likely to be your biggest monthly expenses.
Watch our Executive Senior Director, Colin Ong's video, and learn how you can save more on your home loans.
3 Tips to Help You Save
The hardest thing about saving money is just getting started. Let our consultant Naomi Chua share with you 3 tips that will help you develop a simple and realistic approach to save and meet all you financial goals.
Saving As Easy As 4-3-2-1
Saving may not be as easy as what you think.
Must watch out Senior Manager, Naomi sharing on the concept of saving and learn how to cultivate the habit of saving money.
3 Pitfalls of Financial Planning
Financial planning is the process of managing your assets and liabilities together to create the life you envision. However, many of us make mistakes when exploring different financial tools.
Let us hear from Senior Manager, Huang Zhongyong, highlights 3 mistakes that you should avoid.
Nominate Right To Secure Your Love
The fundamental of buying insurance is to provide protection to your loved ones and making an inurance nomination allows the distribution of policy proceeds according to your wishes.
Find out from Executive Senior Financial Consultant, Chua Cirong, on how insurance nomination works and its advantages.
Reimbursement vs Compensation
Are you confused by the term 'Reimbursement' and 'Compensation'?
Knowing these plan types will prepare you for evaluating options.
Let us hear from our Executive Senior Financial Consultant, Fiona Foo, and understand the difference between them.
Financial Planning As Simple As A-B-C-D
Why do people find financial planning so difficult?
It may not seems so.
Our Senior Director, Vincent Gan, shows you how you can understand financial planning by applying A-B-C-D.